The Path Forward to Safer 2K Paints: Low VOC and NISO Innovations

The drive towards safer industrial coating formulations triggered the development of a two-pronged approach to 2K resin systems for metal substrates. The non-isocyanate (NISO) approach provides sustainable advantages, and Arkema has made recent advances in lowering the coating VOC level while maintaining performance. Alternatively, development has also progressed in HAPS-free solvent systems. We will present case studies based on both of these proven robust solutions.
The Path Forward to Safer 2K Paints
American Coatings Show (May 2024)
Presenter: Frank Cogordan, Development and Innovation Leader - Resins for Specialty & Industrial Coatings at Arkema
Summary & Key takeaways
Market outlook: The building and construction sector accounts for 38% of the global energy-related CO2 emissions, so there is pressure to lower VOC emissions and carbon footprint while improving safety and maintaining the high performance associated with 2K polyurethane systems
Technology development: Arkema’s 2K NISO system for heavy duty coatings consists of SYNOCURE® 892 BA 70 multifunctional acrylic resin crosslinked with SYNOCURE® 899 BA 70 LM epoxy acrylic copolymer curing agent to provide a HAPS-free, high solids solution with equivalent performance to 2K polyurethane systems
New generation of more sustainable 2K systems: Lower carbon footprint 2K NISO systems can be bio-attributed through the mass balance approach, and further development is ongoing with waterborne 2K NISO systems
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